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Tips for a Quick House Move

By: Emma Eilbeck BA (hons) - Updated: 2 Sep 2010 | comments*Discuss
Property Properties House Moving Move

Moving house is at the top of the list when it comes to stressful activities. Moving into your first home can be just as stressful as your second or third, as the process is new and you don’t always know what to expect.

By following the top tips below you should make sure the move into your first home is as stress free as possible, giving you more time to sit back, put your feet up and enjoy your first home.

Two Pairs of Hands are Better Than One

If you are new to buying or renting a property you should enlist the help of somebody who has been through the experience before. Use them as your mentor through the moving home process and pick their brains about the whole process, this could be a family member or a friend.

Set Aside Some Time

Viewing properties at the weekend has almost become a hobby for many people in the UK. But by spending only a few weekends a month viewing houses you will find you don’t get anywhere fast. If possible take a week off work and pre-arrange appointments at all your local estate agents so that you have back-to-back appointments all week. This way you will be able to view a lot of properties in a short space of time and hopefully find your perfect one.

Get Your Paperwork in Order

Delays in paperwork are one of the biggest contributors to delays in moving house. Whether you are looking to rent or buy you will need to show your estate agent/mortgage broker all of the relevant documents. Make sure you phone ahead and check what you will be expected to produce before you get there. This will save you having to revisit them.

Keep Up to Date

Just because your house move is the most important thing in your life it doesn’t mean it is to everyone else. Brokers, solicitors and agents can sometimes get bogged down in the amount of work they have to do, so there is no harm in telephoning every couple of days to see how your case is developing and what the hold up is.

Set a Date

As soon as possible arrange a date when you can move into the property you are renting or buying. This will speed the process along and give both parties time to sort out any outstanding issues. The earlier you can set a date for the move the better. You should set a date and time when you can collect the keys for your new property.

Contact Utility Companies

Once you have your moving in date or completion date you should contact your chosen electricity or gas supplier, as well as telephone company and arrange for them to switch your amenities on when you move in. This will save you rushing around on the day trying to find phone numbers of people.

Do Your Homework

Everyone dreads the thought of their prized possessions being ripped to shreds by clumsy removal men, so it is worth doing your homework. Speak to relatives, friends and anyone else who has hired a removal van to get the contact details of a trusted firm. You should also phone around a few companies to make sure you get the best price.

Tell People Your New Address

Once you know the moving date is going ahead you should make everyone aware of your new address, contact your employer, phone company and anybody else who needs to know your address. You should also contact the post office and get your mail redirected to your new property.

Organise Your Packing

Many people leave packing their belongings until the very last minute and end up running around like headless chickens on the morning of a move. You should try and organise your belongings as they will appear in your house, so pack all of the things from your kitchen in the same box and all of the things from your bedroom in the same box etc... this will save a lot of time running around your house finding the correct place for items.

Good organisation is key to a successful property move, you can never be too prepared, so the sooner you start to plan your move the quicker and more enjoyable it will be.

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